Cloud Service Providers

As businesses increasingly move to cloud services and employees bring more of their own personal devices onto business networks, the risks of hackers stealing data has grown exponentially. For cloud service providers looking to mitigate their risk, cybersecurity and compliance efforts can seem overwhelming

Innovation DS can help cloud service providers prioritize the cyber risks to the company, and find the right cyber risk management and compliance efforts that keeps customer data secure and helps differentiate products.

Comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to face a growing threat

Cyber risk management is increasingly important to any cloud service provider looking to remain competitive. Innovation DS offers a full suite of enterprise-wide security and compliance capabilities that help organizations understand their actual need to manage corporate risk and how to best leverage that information for their customers.

Government and industry data security requirements converge in the cloud
Compliance efforts such as FISMA/FedRAMP, HIPAA/HITRUST, ISO 27001/27018, PCI DSS, SOC 2 / SSAE 18 are becoming a minimum investment to remain in business for today’s cloud service providers. In addition to meeting the compliance standards, clients need to understand the controls hand-off between a host cloud provider and their own controls framework to meet requirements within those standards. Innovation DS’s solutions are built to help cloud service providers mitigate their own cyber risks, meet compliance standards, and leverage that information for their clients. Innovation DS’s service provider advisory services help cloud service providers comply with customers’ privacy, data security, and business resiliency requirements.

Innovative business technology
Happy business executive

Why choose Coalfire?

Innovation DS provides clients with a security controls roadmap through its Cyber Risk services and a scorecard that can help evaluate an organization’s progress toward compliance. For those that must meet a multitude of security and compliance requirements, Coalfire has a consolidated audit to aid in reducing audit fatigue. In this way, enterprises can leverage existing compliance efforts against new mandates and leverage Innovation DS’s testing and diagnostics to prove out the efficacy of its cybersecurity investments.